Honoured by Bob Alkins

Northland Engineering was a consulting firm that over the years provided engineering services for Civil, Structural, Mechanical, and Electrical branches of consulting. Northland Engineering Limited is primarily remembered for its expertise in civil and structural designs over the life of its existence. Northland’s expertise in planning, land development, environmental planning, highways, infrastructure, buildings and bridges was recognized by the private sector as well as Municipal, Provincial and Federal Governments.

Murray McLean
Murray graduated from the University of New Brunswick in 1946 in Civil Engineering. Murray was first employed by the Department of Transport. He also held a variety of positions with the Royal Canadian Engineers, the Shawinigan Engineering Company, and the Abitibi Power and Paper Company. Murray decided to move to Ontario to pursue his engineering career. Murray moved his family from the Maritimes to Ontario and eventually settled in North Bay. Murray and his wife Gwen raised three wonderful girls, Susan, Jeannie and Megan.
Stephen Shisko
Stephen graduated from Queen’s University, Kingston in 1950 in Civil Engineering. Upon his graduation he started working for Abitibi Power & Paper Co. Ltd. Steve also decided to pursue his engineering career in Northern Ontario because of the wide variety of engineering opportunities in the north. Steve moved to North Bay with his wife Sheila. They raised three wonderful children, John, Alan and Anne.
What started out as a construction company became McLean (Murray) and Shisko (Stephen) in 1956. The company was incorporated in 1965 under the name of McLean, Shisko & Associates Limited, and operated under the name Northland Engineering until July 1970 when the name was legally changed to Northland Engineering Limited. A branch office was established in Sudbury in 1966. Offices in Thunder Bay and Timmins were opened later to provide engineering services to their clients. Northland Engineering Limited was a consulting civil engineering firm that engaged in municipal, structural, transportation, industrial, infrastructure, planning and resource management & development services for the public, industrial, institutional, commercial and government sectors. It was one of the largest Northern Ontario based consulting engineering firms that grew from a partnership in 1956 to an incorporated company with a staff of over sixty employees. Upon the retirement of Murray McLean, and change in directors, the name was changed to Northland Engineering (1987) Limited. On January 1, 2005, after 49 years of business, Northland Engineering was purchased by Trow Associates Inc. although the name did not officially change until January 2008 thus ending a half century local business. Today we are part of exp Services Inc.
The following is the list of employees who have worked for Northland Engineering.
We apologize for any errors or omissions. Please report any errors or omissions to exp Services Inc. North Bay, 705-474-2720
Ablaka, Judy Adams, Valerie Albertie, Kevin Alkins, Bill Alkins, Bruce Alkins, Melanie Alkins, Bob Alkins, Wesley Allard, Lynda Allan, Dave Allen, Ben Anderson, Paul Andrews, George Antram, Jill Arnott, James Ashford, Barry Atchison, Tom Aubin, Rejean Aubry, Pierre Babbs, Roger Banfield, Erin Beadman, Richard Beauchamp, Roseanne Beck, Hugh Bedard, Paulette Bedard, Roberta Bedford, Rob Belanger, Marcel Beshai, Victor Besser, Ken Bhati, I. Bigley, Kevin Bisson, Carrie Bisson, Denise Bisson, Don Black, Craig Blackburn, Tim Blais, Annick Blais, Ron Blanchette, Larry Boileau, Janet Boland, W. Bothwell, Jody Bothwell, Murray Bothwell, Robin Bourne, Jack Boyer, Lawrence Bremermann, Fritz Brideau, Francis Brisson, Eric Brisson, Lisette Brooks, Keith Brooks, Penny Brown, Tim Bryant, Bill Carpenter, Margaret Carroll, Elizabeth Carter, Phil Cassidy, Mary Beth Cave, Sandro Cerisano, Jon Chadbourn, Denis Chambers, Bob Chandler, Peter Charron, Donna Checkak, Ben
Chiblow, Emmett Chohan, Abdul Cloutier, Sylvie Clubine, Larry Cooper, Dave Cooper, Greg Cornick, Ed Cornish, Chris Constante, Gerry Covil, James Craig, Bryan Cullen, Rhonda Daiter, Rhonda Dambremont, Sonja Dashney, Wayne Davies, Bill Dawdy, Blake DeBruyn, Wilma Deibel, Carl Delarosbel, Ray Delorme, Dennis Dent, Derrick Deschamps, Marc Desgrosseillers, Denise Dobbs, Duane Dobbs, Carl Dobbs, Troy Dorio, B. Dougall, Jane Draper, Chris Drinkwalter, Gord Drinkwalter, Richard Dube, Melissa Dudgeon, Darren Duffy, Amy Dukeshire, Marion Duncan, G. Dupuis, Nicole Duquette, Joseph Eakins, Harvey Edwards, A. David Elamin, Ismail Engstrom, John Eros, Bob
Evers, Donald Evers, Duane Farhat, Waked Fawns, Peter Feely, James Fetterly, Linda Fielding, D. Floyd, Giselle Fortier, Larry Fournier, Mike Frechette, Jack Fry, Todd Fuller, L. Gallagher, Bevan Graham, D. Graham, George Graham, Irene Grenier, Alain Hackett, Lisa Hansen, Dave Harriman, Sylvia Harris, Mike Hart, AI Hart, Carolyn Head, Mark Hebert, Gary Hebert, Ken Hemenway, Patricia Henley, Peter Henshall, Carol Herbrand, Henry Hollington, Ken Holmes, Glen Hong, Ray Huard, R. Hunter, Sylvia Hurley, Ron Inglis, Chris Ismail, Salah Jessup, R. Jacques, Steve Jakubek, Cathy Janusz, Walter Jarvis, Gary Jawa, Subhash Johnson, David Joiner, Brian Jolin, Mark Joseph, Stephen Kilanski, Wes Kilgour, Alex Kilgour, Ian Kilgour, Gord Kirk, Malcom Kitts, Sean Klimov, Val Komulainen, lImari Laberge, Donald Lacombe, Adam Laframboise, Kevin Lalonde, Kevin Lamarre, Mario Lamb, Tyler Landry, Guy Larden, AI Lavallee, Richard Lavender, AI Lavoy, Kerry Lavoy, Rick Layton, Bryan Lefebvre, Mona Lefebvre, Sylvia Legault, Roland Lessard, Leo Lim, Leang-Theng Loach, Jeff
Roy MacDougall, Bruce MacMichael, Judy MacMichael, Sarah MacMichael, Ralph Madill, Elizabeth Makitalo, Juha Maltais, Roy Mantha, John Marcotte, Frank Martin, Brendan Marks, T. Martin, Lillian Marvin, Diane Masson, Richard Mathieu, Mike Matthews, William McBurney, Gordon McCallum, Louine McCann, Laurie McDonald, Mark McDonald, Mitch McDougall, Bruce Mcintosh, J.A. McKenzie, Clem McLean, Gwen McLean, Meagan Mclean, Murray D. McLean, Rod McLeod, Linda McMillan, Marion McNamara, Peter McNiece, Scott Mellon, J. Miller, Doug Milne, Ingrid Mison, Marc Moore, Danny Moore, David Montreuil, Loir Morgan, Rick Morris, James Morton, Ian Nadon, Ron Nguyen, Ty Nickner, Jacques Nielen, Dan Nielsen, Ernie Nishiyama, Jack Nodder, Randall Norman, Don Norrie, Jim O’Reilly, Ken O’Connor, Wally Openshaw, Brad Or, Eva
Osburn, Pat Ouellette, Richard Pageau, Norm Pageau, Dennis Paibomsai, Frank
Paquette, Gilles Paradis, Michael Pashuk, Kevin Patterson, Gary Patterson, Paul Peever, Don Peever, Jean (Mclean) Pellerin, Richard Penasse, Larry Perron, Jean Paul Peters, Louis Pezzutto, Pauline Phillips, Dorothy Piche, Shawn Pierog, Henrietta Pierog, Walter Pigeon, Marcel Pilon, Adrianne Plint, Cindy Polacek, Milan Poon, Shiu Kee Poon. Salina Popp, Tom Preston, Mike Proulx, Aline Proulx, Serge Purcell, Mike Quevillon, Doris Ratiarson, Mosas Ratza, Alf Raynor, Karl Rebellato, Dan Rebin, Paul Reed, Christine Reid, William Reitzel, Steve Restoule, Art Rice, Cindy Richards, Dave Richards, Ken Richards, Laura Richards, Tara Richards, Tim
Rickward, Harvey Rifou, Luc Roberts, Bruce Robertson, Heather Robichaud, Sidney Robinson, Connie Robitaille, Rick Rogerson, Mark Roy, Jane Sammor, Colleen Sanders, Gerald Saul, P. Schell, Dalton Schonfeldt, Andrew Schultz, Peter Sheppard, Harold Shisko, Andrew Shisko, John Shisko, Sheila Shisko, Stephen Skolseg, E Smith, Mike Smylie, Emily Ann Somers, Stan Soucy, Claude Southall, Ken Southall, Peter Springer, Eugene Springer, Vickie Stana, Martina Staniforth, Rob Stanton, Laura Stark, Ted Stewart, Kevin Stone, Gary Symons, Kelly Tandon, P. Taylor, Anne Marie Taylor, Paul Thompson, Vern Thornley, Karen Tischler, Herbert Topham, Gary Tracewicz, Ted Tracey, Janet Tracey, Carl Truchon, Paul Trudel, Lynn Tuckett, Sharon Tunney, Doug Tunney, Jeff Turgeon, Chris Turnock, Jill Tuttle, Paul Tyagi, Del Valenti, Frank Valliere, Maurice Von Rieben, P. van Schaayk, Peter van Schaayk, Susan Vester, Darin Virgo, Marc Virtue, Clarence Vossos, Dave Wallace, John Wallace, Mark Walsh, Keith Watters, Brian Weegar, Carl Wells, Redina West, Charles Whalley, Brian Wild, Robert Wilde, Dean Williams, Jacqueline Wilkin, Marg Wilson, Brendan Wilson, Michael Wilson, Stan Winterfield, Marilyn Wong, Wilson Woodhouse, Hollie Yeates, Suzanne Young, Mary Yu, Oliver Zuback, Catherine Zhu,Shu