Honoured by:John and Geraldine Coyne and family
and Terry and Sheila Frezell and family

Mom and Dad are long time North Bay residents. They were each born in 1920. As of this writing in August 2011 they are both still alive, in relatively good health and are enjoying life at the Empire Living Centre.
Mom was born and raised in Kingston, Ontario where as a young lady she was a civilian employed by the army during World War II. Dad, although born in Buffalo to Canadian parents, moved home with them to North Bay when he was a baby, and lived on Gorman Street throughout his youth and the greater part of married life.
Mom and Dad met in Kingston, Ontario when Dad, as an enlisted man in the Canadian army was assigned to duty there. They married in 1945 and returned to North Bay at the conclusion of the war. For a short while they had an apartment downtown North Bay but early on purchased a home back on Gorman Street at # 1275 on the waterfront, remaining there until many years after retirement. Thus their love of the natural beauty of Northern Ontario, Lake Nipissing, and of the North Bay waterfront.
Dad joined the Ontario Northland Railway and worked in the administration area in numerous positions until after 39 years he retired in 1975 as Budget Supervisor. Mom was an active homemaker and wonderful mother to her son Terry – born April 1947 – and daughter Geraldine (Gerry) born July 1956.
Mom and Dad have always been active in community and church activities. Dad has served as a North Bay Alderman, and both he and Mom were active in the scouting and guiding areas at St. John’s Anglican Church. Dad has also served as treasurer for the North Bay branch of the Canadian Cancer Society. They are both founding members of Christ Church Anglican. They remain as active members of the Royal Canadian Legion where Dad has been honoured with a Life Membership.