Honoured by Margaret Craigie

Cam Craigie
My son Cam was a well known and respected Secondary School and College teacher on Manitoulin Island, Sudbury area, and Exeter where he was employed by the Avon Maitland District School Board. He was a wonderful teacher with a great sense of humour. He loved to make people laugh!
Honouring Cam and Bill is very important to me. They made a difference in many lives, especially mine.
Bill Craigie
I’m very proud of my eldest son, Bill. He excelled academically and was instrumental in bringing the touch-tone phone to North Bay. As an employee of Northern Electric, he followed the progression of the touch-tone phones and his work resulted in the company sending him to Queen’s University to obtain a master’s degree in electronic engineering. Bill loved his career and enjoyed his work.
He was a very quiet man. He often said, “The smartest thing I’ve done in life is to have a family.” He was happy to share anything he had. He was a good man, loved and was loved.
Margaret Craigie